SILVER SPRINGS pre foreclosure home - a commercial property ( beds, baths)

This is not a list price. This is the county tax assessor's estimated value for the property. When a list price becomes available we will publish it and along with changes to the contact information.Assessed Value: $42,849
This pre foreclosure home is a commercial property located in SILVER SPRINGS. It offers 34848 sq. ft. in size, beds and baths. Review itsdetailed information and determine if this SILVER SPRINGS pre foreclosure has the qualities you are looking for.

This property is a Pre-Foreclosure. The homeowner has missed a payment and is considered delinquent. The homeowner may be willing to sell this home at an attractive price, in order to avoid foreclosure. Many experts consider Pre-Foreclosures the best opportunity to find a deal.

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Property Info
Property ID--
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Living Area (sqft)--
Year Built--
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Assessed Tax Year--
Assessed Year Delinquent--
Pre-foreclosure / Notice of Default (NOD)
Date Defaulted Lien--
Recording Date--
Recording Year--

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