CEDAR FALLS tax sales home - vacant land ( beds, baths)

This is not a list price. This is the county tax assessor's estimated value for the property. When a list price becomes available we will publish it and along with changes to the contact information.Assessed Value: $2,970
This tax sales home is vacant land located in CEDAR FALLS. It offers 6996 sq. ft. in size, beds and baths. Review its detailed informatio and determine if this CEDAR FALLS tax sales has the qualities you are looking for.

A tax lien was recorded against this property. When a landowner fails to pay the taxes on his or her property, the city or county has the authority to place a lien on the property. A lien is a legal claim against the property for the unpaid amount that is owed. Property that has a lien attached to it cannot be sold or refinanced until the taxes are paid and the lien is removed. When you purchase a tax lien, you are essentially paying the property taxes and placing your own lien on the real estate. The owner must pay the back taxes to you, plus interest, instead of the tax collector to clear the lien. Because the interest rate for tax liens is among the highest allowed by law, this makes the tax lien purchase a desirable investment. For more information on the status of this property, contact the county or city tax office.

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Property Info
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